Our Portfolio.

Explore our impressive collection of residential and commercial developments that showcase our collaborative efforts in shaping the architectural landscape of greater Melbourne. We have worked closely with several local councils, including Manningham, Boroondara, Whitehorse, Banyule, Moreland, and Stonnington, building a solid track record in the planning process.

At Petridis Architects, we believe in designing spaces that beautifully blend our clients’ vision with the unique character of the surrounding neighbourhoods. Drawing inspiration from the local elements, we create bespoke designs that always leave a lasting impression. Our team pays meticulous attention to every detail, refining facade treatments until they achieve an ideal balance and desired visual appeal. Throughout the design process, we explore custom iterations to ensure the perfect outcome for all project stakeholders.

While respecting our clients’ risk tolerance, we strive to push the boundaries and unlock the full potential of each site. Our extensive experience has taught us that bold and innovative designs often lead to maximized opportunities, resulting in spacious and functional living spaces that delight the residents and fulfil our clients’ goals.

When collaborating with us, you have the freedom to be inspired by our diverse portfolio or bring your unique vision to the table. We pride ourselves on delivering memorable and customized designs that reflect your individuality and create exceptional spaces.
